Type 514-519 High Flow Diaphragm Valve
The Type 514-519 diaphragm valves from GF Piping Systems incorporate features never before seen in a plastic diaphragm valve. The valve has Cv values that average at least double the conventional design. This high-flow design allows the valve to be used where diaphragm pumps were previously not possible due to flow restriction. In addition, the new design eliminates the four bolts used to hold the valve together. This eliminates a corrosive weak point. The Type 519 zero-static version uses the pipe wall as the weir and provides for maximum purity and drainability. The valve is available in PVC, CPVC, PP, PP-n, and PVDF. Standard versions can handle up to 150 PSI. All PVDF and an optional PVC version allow for pressures as high as 240 PSI.