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What is multi-turn ball valve?


What is the multi-turn ball valve?

Is it orbit ball valve?

If so, what is the purpose to use that kind of ball valve?

Multiturn is normally used for valves with a construction where the closing element does not move 90 degrees, eg. normally for globe or gate valves with threaded stems, requiring several turns to close and open. Multiturn is not a 'normal' for BFL or ball valves.

As an example a double eccentric ballvalve with a gear requiring several turns to close, but where the ball moves 90 degrees, is not called a multiturn ball valve.

Multiturn is often used to describe the actuator movement for an actuator if the actuator (or gear) has to be turned several turns to close, even if this is mounted on a 90 degre closing valve.

Finally the 'academic' point:

Even if the special Orbit ballvalve has a stem requiring several turns to close or open, and are 'nicknamed' multiturn, I would like to reserve the 'multiturn' designation for actuators and globe and check valves, and in this case use, as the factory does, 'rising stem ball valve'.


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