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Shell SPE 77/312 2010-11-16
Which Valve Manufacturers have been qualified in accordance with Shell SPE 77/312 Fugitive emissions specification? And for which valves have they been qualified?
I have received a calculation note for ball valve from our supplier and the calculation for body wall thickness was made according to ASME B16.34 and also with ASMEVIII Part I.
control valve shut off pressure and system design pressure 2010-11-15
We all know that different control valve style will have different relative shutoff capability
such as Reg-Sliding stem, bar stock, partial ball all have excellent shut off capability.
Determine continuous service rating 2010-11-15
A small needle type valve has a pressure rating of 3500 psi and a temperature rating of 900 F but the manufacturer (who is no longer around) doesn't indicate if this is a continuous service rating.
PRV 2010-11-15
Civil engineer here modeling in WaterCAD. I have a 510 Zone HGL system interfacing with a 600 HGL Zone system. I currently have a PRV to separate the systems. Line size is 16".
minimum test of faulty servo valve 2010-11-15
I'm having a problem with a hydraulic teststand and have a suspicion that it might be because of a faulty servo valve. As we have plenty of oilsupply and a good cooling system the leakage isnt really
Valves for FLNG / FPSO 2010-11-12
I am working on FLNG project, i will be very thankful if anybody who has knowledge on FLNG / FPSO projects at EPC or at Valve manufacturer, tell me if any special valves are available in market for
CAT 3516 Exhaust Valve Failures 2010-11-12
This concerns exhaust valve failures (valve head separating from the valve spindle) on a CAT 3516 generator engine on an offshore jack-up drilling rig.